simply by calculating...
RM 38 X ( 12 months X 2 years) = RM 912
RM 53 X (12 months X 2 years) = RM 1272
Hmmm...a netbook roughly costs RM900. According to elene, it disconnects 3-4 times a day with 512kbps RM 53 package. Gosh, if it remains several times of disconnection at her house in Klang then I'm pretty sure it disconnects even often at UPM since the line at hostel there is way too WEAK!
"bythe way the RM 38 384kbsp is a bit too slow"
If I have to apply this then I would have to terminate my home current streamyx RM 66 per month or apply another streamyx line because T & C states that the line must be the new package. It isn't worth actually if the line is too slow but of course better than subscibing any Celcom, Digi or Maxis broadband.
I have to act fast if I want the package because I'm a third year undergraduate soon enough. Only first and second undergraduates are eligible to apply this.
But I guess I would not go for it since the line is acting slow and it would be a little troublesome to apply another my home new streamyx line.
Check out here for more details.