Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The road not taken

翻开报纸, 看到很有意思的一举话,

有很多人, 终生不甘平凡, 却无力改变平凡.

很多很多的人, 都不敢踏出实现改变的决定, 过着所谓"应该"过的人生. 

如果是对的信念, 那么就要坚持, 因为成功本来就不容易的.

如果说女人嫁出去,是拨出去的水, 我认为男人娶了女人当老婆更像拨出去的水,永远收不回.


  1. " 如果说女人嫁出去,是拨出去的水" "男人娶了女人应该好好把水收进盆里照顾好吧.

  2. well, you are right, but i don't mean that, i just want to say when a guy married a girl, i think the guy is no longer he used to be. Get what i mean?

  3. Sorry for my misunderstanding. In fact, when guy choose to marry a girl , he already know that he is not longer what he used to be. In my point of view, I believe marriage is all about "give and take" and also "tolerance" between the couple

  4. ya you are right but i wasn't mean that also, when a guy married a girl, the family of the guy and friends has lost him. They lost a child, a brother, a close friend or any identity.

  5. OMG, so serious, but what i believe is when the time come, is time to lost someone or something


得不到的东西, 我们会一直认为他是美好的, 那是因为你对他了解太少, 没有时间与他相处在一起. 当有一天,你深入了解后,你会发现原不是你想象中的美好.