Wednesday, March 7, 2012


It's the 7th of March. Believe it or not, I have 5 months (round off) to go for my boring internship. I started to get used to it, visited multiple of webpage after I accomplished what I supposed to do. Sometimes I can do nothing at all for the entire day. Yet, I still get excited when it is the end of month though my allowance is so small which is never enough of buying anything.

I start to get exposed of new responsibilities though it is just surface and basic for every single of them. I begin to enjoy playing with Photoshop and I think so far it is the most successful skill that I ever develop and practise on my own despite I'm just a beginner and only know how to play with the same tools all the time.

Compiling some of the foods that I took photos 

Went to rumor famous fried dumpling in tomato sauce at a house located at 8 point land

RM4.50 with 10-15 pieces of dumpling. One need  patience and time to wait for the foods to arrive. Personally I never agree it is that good. Just one word to describe-special since never heard of dumpling in tomato sauce. The tomato sauce? somewhere in Kuching serves a lot better tomato sauce. The dumpling? Taste average for a common fried foods.


Homemade lamb burger. This lamb burger--no good at all. Lamby lamb~the lamby taste was strong.

 Crispy chicken chop

Rice and tanghoon? Can't recall what is it


Craving for the KL Pan Mee and here I am...Shan City, Brighton Square

Bubu Caca
The coconut milk taste was strong thick and strong.

My dried thin pan mee
The portion was satisfactory but a bit too big for small eater. Nothing beats Jojo Pan Mee.

 Soup that came with the dry mee

Loh Thin Pan Mee
The gravy was cold. Think they forgot to heat the gravy before serving.
The soup taste was not that good. Far away from my expectation.

Kuching has a lot great foods and hopefully I could try some of them. No harm eating out once awhile right?

I have a few to do list/achievement. Time matters so hope I can see improvements and achieve my expectations soon~

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得不到的东西, 我们会一直认为他是美好的, 那是因为你对他了解太少, 没有时间与他相处在一起. 当有一天,你深入了解后,你会发现原不是你想象中的美好.